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(Wind-Relieving Pose)

How to perform Wind-Relieving Pose

Lie on your back. Bend your knees and, as you exhale, bring them into your chest, softly pressing your legs into your abdomen.

What is Pawanmuktasana?

Pawanmuktasana, as its English name (Wind-Relieving Pose) suggests, is a pose that has a positive, soothing effect on the digestive organs. It is quite basic and can be performed in two ways.

You start by lying down on your back with your legs stretched out. Then, you can either do the asymmetrical version, where you bring one knee in towards your chest, pressing your thigh down onto your abdomen, or you can bend both legs and bring them in simultaneously. As you do this pose, notice how the bent legs softly pull on your lower spine, helping it extend and release tension. Also, pay attention to the pressure applied to your abdomen. This mild pressure can help relieve tension in the abdominal area: tension connected to digestive issues or to overly strenuous exercise.

When to use Pawanmuktasana?

This pose comes nicely at the end of a session as a cool-down. Its benefits are especially felt after you have been doing some abdominal or core-strengthening exercises. It helps soothe the abdominal and lower back muscles and return them to their neutral state.

Pawanmuktasana is also a great follow-up pose for Viparita Karani since it helps counterbalance the inversion by restoring normal blood circulation in the legs. A deeply relaxing pose, it can be used either during a restorative session or towards the end of a more dynamic session.