Progression of the restorative and pranayama sequence
Pixie starts the session with Uttanasana, Adho Mukha Svanasana. These are followed by some simple standing poses.
Seated poses including Parvatasana in Virasana, Dandasana and Baddha Konasana follow before a 7.5 minute Sirasana.
We proceed through Setu Bandha and Viparita Karani before ending the restorative session with Savasana.
Pranayama to the floor progressing through Ujjayi, Viloma breathing is followed by some sitting Pranayama with Viloma, Kumbhaka with Jalandhara Bandha. The session winds down with one final Savasana.
Equipment required
- 1 x mat
- 2 x bolsters
- 2 x blankets