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Dvi Pada Viparita Dandasana (Over chair with Knees Bent)
(Two-Legged Inverted Staff Pose)

How to perform Two-Legged Inverted Staff Pose

Keep feet and knees parallel. Use your elbows as leverage to deepen the curve of your spine. The chair helps your back to flow into this bend more naturally.

What is Dvi Pada Viparita Dandasana (Over the chair, bent knees, head to floor)?

This is the next stage in the Dvi Pada sequence, with the head coming to the floor. The benefit of the chair is best realised if the body curls over the chair, staying close in. This way the shoulder blades are brought into the body and lift up. With the head to the floor and an even balance brought between head and feet, this pose can be sustained without effort.

When to use Dvi Pada Viparita Dandasana (Over the chair, bent knees, head to floor)?

This deeper version of the pose may be incorporated into a full chair backbend sequence, or used prior to the more advanced backbends to come into the whole back rib cage and action of the shoulders. Even though the chair provides support, the legs and buttocks are active. This version can provide a release for stiffness in the neck. With the chair support, the full benefits of backbends can be experienced even if there is some weakness or illness preventing the full pose.