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Weight Distribution and Alignment in Backbends


In this class, advanced students and those going through teacher training will look at how to apply the ideas of weight distribution and alignment, especially insofar as they're related to inversions and backbends.

Weight Distribution and Alignment in Backbends

Weight distribution and alignment are two of the most foundational Iyengar yoga concepts: without them, a practitioner cannot progress to the next step.

For example, Guruji could hold arm balances like Adho Mukha Vrksasana without wall support for up to 3 minutes even in his 80s. He could do this not because he was a strong man but because he knew how to distribute his weight and align his body properly. Only by aligning your body and spreading the effort equally among your limbs will you be able to enter into a pose in a seemingly effortless way.

In this class, advanced students and those going through teacher training will look at how to apply these ideas to their practice, especially insofar as they’re related to backbends and inversions.

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Online Iyengar yoga videos | Weight Distribution and Alignment in Backbends
Online Iyengar yoga videos | Weight Distribution and Alignment in Backbends
Online Iyengar yoga videos | Weight Distribution and Alignment in Backbends
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Online Iyengar yoga videos | Weight Distribution and Alignment in Backbends
Online Iyengar yoga videos | Weight Distribution and Alignment in Backbends
Online Iyengar yoga videos | Weight Distribution and Alignment in Backbends
Online Iyengar yoga videos | Weight Distribution and Alignment in Backbends
Online Iyengar yoga videos | Weight Distribution and Alignment in Backbends
Online Iyengar yoga videos | Weight Distribution and Alignment in Backbends
Online Iyengar yoga videos | Weight Distribution and Alignment in Backbends
Online Iyengar yoga videos | Weight Distribution and Alignment in Backbends
Online Iyengar yoga videos | Weight Distribution and Alignment in Backbends
Online Iyengar yoga videos | Weight Distribution and Alignment in Backbends
Online Iyengar yoga videos | Weight Distribution and Alignment in Backbends
Online Iyengar yoga videos | Weight Distribution and Alignment in Backbends
Online Iyengar yoga videos | Weight Distribution and Alignment in Backbends
Online Iyengar yoga videos | Weight Distribution and Alignment in Backbends
Online Iyengar yoga videos | Weight Distribution and Alignment in Backbends
Online Iyengar yoga videos | Weight Distribution and Alignment in Backbends
Online Iyengar yoga videos | Weight Distribution and Alignment in Backbends
Online Iyengar yoga videos | Weight Distribution and Alignment in Backbends
Online Iyengar yoga videos | Weight Distribution and Alignment in Backbends
Online Iyengar yoga videos | Weight Distribution and Alignment in Backbends
Online Iyengar yoga videos | Weight Distribution and Alignment in Backbends
Online Iyengar yoga videos | Weight Distribution and Alignment in Backbends
Online Iyengar yoga videos | Weight Distribution and Alignment in Backbends
Online Iyengar yoga videos | Weight Distribution and Alignment in Backbends
Online Iyengar yoga videos | Weight Distribution and Alignment in Backbends