This backbend sequence for advanced students is a little more dynamic than usual. Even the typically static poses, such as Prasarita Padottanasana, are performed in a way that promotes fluid movement and action. The dynamic nature of this sequence helps to engage more muscles and elongate them more effectively. Starting off this session in a dynamic way also helps us to prepare our bodies for the advanced backbends to follow, working to get rid of stiffness that can lead to injuries.
After going through a very energetic warm-up in the first part of the class, featuring Sun Salutations and inversions, we will move on to doing some backbends, going from the more basic ones like Urdhva Mukha Svanasana and Bhujangasana to more advanced backbends such as Ustrasana and Kapotasana.
This sequence is suitable to all advanced students as well as those going through their teacher training or looking to move in that direction as Pixie offers a lot of useful tips on how to present certain poses to students.
This could also be a good class to follow in a pair. This way you can apply some of the tips to each other and help each other get deeper into poses such as Urdhva Dhanurasana.
Video stills from this sequence