Set up for supported Savasana, lying back over two half-fold blankets, one placed directly over the other. Take an extra blanket for head support.
Lie back with the edge of the blankets just below the lower edge of the shoulder blades.
Settle for a few minutes, observing the body and the facial muscles, quietening the eyes to then better observe the breath. Come to conscious inhalation and exhalation.
Gradually increase first the exhalation, and then deepen the inhalation to come into full Ujjayi breath. Take a normal cycle of breath every one, two or three cycles. Continue for 5-8 cycles, according to your capacity.
Then come up for sitting. Set your blanket support against the wall and sit with the bottom buttock and the head touching the wall.
Observe how the straight sitting pose feels, with the wall giving you feedback.
Then release the head down, and start to deepen first the exhalation and then the inhalation.
Place your palms onto the sides of the bottom ribs to feel the actual movement there as you inhale and exhale.
Release the hands down, and place the fingertips in a “cup shape” onto the floor or onto your support. Let the arms be relaxed, but see how this helps to keep the side chest and sternum lifted.
Continue to your capacity, 4-5 cycles, and then come back to normal breathing. Bring the head back over the shoulders and against the wall.
Now lie down for Savasana, flat to the floor apart from your head support. Settle your body, your nerves, and your breath back to neutral, coming to a quiet Savasana breath to finish.
Video stills from this sequence