Restorative classes like this are supposed to be about letting go of tension and relaxing. Often though, unless we make an active effort to do so, we don’t really let go of our habitual tensions, be they physical or mental. Like kicking a bad habit, letting go of the things that mar the state of our consciousness can be easier said than done.
That’s why restorative classes are so important. They teach us to redirect our efforts from the mostly physical realm towards the realm of the mind and the spirit — more elusive and more challenging to harness but one that, once explored enough, can act as a source of immense fulfillment.
Restorative sessions, with a brief asana practice, can help remove “toxic tiredness” or “heavy tiredness.” They give us a chance to take a “mental holiday,” where the head is not so preoccupied with thoughts of this or that or the other.
In this class, we will dedicate a lot of time to guided meditation lying down, during which Pixie will lead you to a place where you can simply let go and relax, little by little, both physically and mentally.
Video stills from this sequence