In this session, we will focus on backbends, a group of asanas that is essential for building strength and flexibility in the whole back body as well as promoting good posture and confidence. We will also be using props, such as blocks and a chair, to help open up our chest and go deeper into backward extension, explore our full range of motion, and see, as it were, how much fuller it is than we imagined it to be.
We will start off with such inversions as Adho Mukha Vrksasana, Pincha Mayurasana, and Salamba Sirsasana, all of which are known to increase energy levels and have a good effect on one’s mood. We will also mix in a few standing poses to activate and warm up our leg muscles and add a sun salutation to work into our shoulders and upper back before moving on to the backends. The backbend sequence will revolve mainly around Ustrasana, Dvi Pada Viparita Dandasana, and Urdhva Dhanurasana. These poses will be approached in several ways: with and without the use of props. This way we’ll gradually teach our bodies all the nuances involved in assuming the poses.
Due to the energising and morale-boosting effects of backbends, this sequence will come very well at the start of the day when you need a pick-me-up before going about your daily routine.
Video stills from this sequence