Miscellaneous sessions help us put into practice everything we have learned in our yoga journey, tying things together around a common theme that’s not merely related to pose types. Instead of focusing solely on standing poses, seated forward bends, or inversions, we might include poses from all types of asanas, selecting those that best support our practice goals. In this session, we’re going to concentrate on improving our hip mobility and range of motion in the legs and hips. This will be achieved through a sequence primarily consisting of asymmetric poses and their variations. Asymmetric leg extensions are beneficial not only for enhancing hip mobility but also for helping us observe differences in range of motion between each side. This allows us to identify which side requires more attention, where we may be harbouring more tension, and it might even provide insights into our mental state, as the body and mind often influence each other. Unusual tension in one might indicate unresolved issues in the other. At the end of the session, we will engage in quiet meditation, incorporating more restorative postures to reflect on the lessons learned during the active portion of the session.
We will start with some standing poses and standing forward bends to activate the legs and warm up the hips more efficiently but also to bring some life into the shoulders. Warming up the shoulders at this stage will help us with the inversions we will do next. We will move on to Sirsasana with some variations to continue working into the hips: Baddha Konasana in Sirsasana and Parivritta Eka Pada Sirsasana. Then, we will cool down a little in Savasana before moving on to different variations of Supta Padangusthasana. Then, we will sit down in Baddha Konasana and Siddhasana to give ourselves a chance to reflect and see how much opening we have achieved in our hips. Finally, in the last part of the session, we will perform Sarvangasana and Eka Pada Sarvangasana before moving on to our final meditation in Savasana.
Video stills from this sequence