A relaxing introductory backbend sequence for beginners and all those looking to familiarise themselves with this asana group. It is important to bring life into the back ribs — which is something we don’t usually do in our daily lives — and backbend sequences are exactly what can help us achieve this. By practising backbends on a regular basis, you will start to notice that it becomes easier to sustain good posture, your back is less prone to bouts of sporadic soreness, and the range of motion in your upper body becomes considerably higher.
We will start off the session by opening up the chest and working on warming up the shoulders through several repetitions of Adho Mukha Svanasana into Virasana Forward.
Then we will move on to the legs, an important component in any sequence, regardless of which pose type we are focussing on. Performing such standing postures as Utthita Trikonasana, Virabhadrasana 1, and Prasarita Padottanasana will help us stretch the legs and soften and extend the back muscles. It will also help breathe life into the ribs in preparation for the backbends.
After the backbend session, where we will focus on several key back-strengthening poses, we will finish off in a supine position: softly stretching the legs and lower back muscles to release any remaining tension or any strain that might have accumulated during the practice.
Once you are done with this session, take a few moments to sit in a simple cross-legged position and notice if anything has changed in the way you hold this pose. Does a straight back come easier now? Do you feel better support in your back ribs? How long can you maintain this pose?
Video stills from this sequence