This session will continue our consolidation of some of the standing poses, adding Ardha Chandrasana and then Triang Mukha Eka Pada Paschimottanasana in the seated poses, the first forward bend proper. Here we also explore Bharadvajasana, a classical seated twisting pose.
The aim of these first five Beginner classes is to guide you towards becoming a little more familiar with some of the principles of a basic Iyengar Yoga practice: foundation, stability, focus, and self-observation.
We work with a range of postures and you may now become more accustomed to applying your attention to the shapes and actions involved in each asana.
At the end of the first five weeks, you may find that you are beginning to anticipate certain points and that you can start to see a pattern in the instructions. More practice and experience in going through these basic sequences and foundation postures will establish a certain structure that your body starts to recognise.
Many students repeat the basic 5-session course a few times, finding “new” points in each practice, which they may have missed the first time around.
Video stills from this sequence