Step by step sequence explainer
Take a chair and place it back against the wall. Extend the right leg to place the heel onto the chair back, and loop a belt around the ball of the foot. Raise the chest up, and release the back of the right leg and groin down. Change.
Then go to the second variation – stand on the Left leg and take the Right leg up, heel onto the chair back, in line with the Left arch. Keep the trunk facing forward and the four corners of the lifted leg against the wall. Release the lifted leg thigh and groin down towards the floor.
Remove the chair from your mat and stand facing the wall, taking the Right leg back to Bhekasana, like a standing Virasana. The fingers of the right hand hold the back of the foot to also bring some movement into the shoulder and thoracic spine.
The buttocks will want to push backwards but keep the buttock flesh moving towards the floor. Trunk straight.
Now release and take both hands to the wall at hip height and shoulder-width apart for 1/2 Uttanasana. Extend the arms from the sides of the waist, elbows straight, and sternum forwards.
Finish in Tadasana.
About this sequence
Here is a mini-sequence for when the hips feel, or are, tight. Most of us can do with some work on this important area to keep the best mobility possible, as well as bringing some space to the lower pelvic region. Extending through the legs wakes you up!
Equipment required
- Mat
- Belt
- Chair
Video stills from this sequence