We will start off this advanced-level restorative and pranayama class with a brief warm-up with some standing poses, done with and without wall support, and a short inversion session. During the inversion part, we will try closing our eyes to see what changes it brings to our perception of the pose. Guruji used to say that, in inversions, the eyes should remain open to ensure that we stay aware, but, seeing as this is a restorative class, we will try to see if keeping our eyes closed in Sirsasana will bring quietness to the mind even though Sirsasana is a heating inversion.
A big part of the restorative section of this class will be dedicated to Setu Bandha Sarvangasana with the feet to the wall, done over several different support arrangements. By rearranging our bolsters and blankets in different ways and holding the poses for longer stretches of time, we will begin to get clearer feedback from the body and it will thus become easier for us to smooth out any unevenness that might have accumulated in the body over time.
We will finish off with a long seated meditation session to bring peace and quiet to the mind.
Video stills from this sequence