This sequence is for students who are familiar with lying pranayama and who are ready to approach seated meditation with Ujjayi breathing.
Set up in Supta Baddha Konasana, and as we are going into Pranayama, specifically take time to settle, to observe your body and your mental fluctuations to bring yourself to stability and quietness. The chest opens and the groins are released in the pose, and we just need to focus on what is happening inside within the asana itself.
Come up and go to simple cross-leg forward, with the arms and forehead resting on the horizontal bolster.
Then stand and go first to Uttanasana and then to Adho Mukha Svanasana, with legs wider than hip-width to spread the lower pelvis and bring ease to the lower back.
Now lie back in cross bolsters, taking extra blanket height to open up through the back body and chest.
Slide back and set up for Setu Bandha over two bolsters, one staggered forward over the other. This gives good support to the upper chest which in turn allows for a good opening in the armpit chest region to energise that point which is often heavy and dull.
Set up in Viparita Karani, with good height to allow now for softening the diaphragm and abdominal region which facilitates exhalation and brings further quietness to the nerves.
Lie back in Savasana over two half folded blankets, staggered so as to give support just under the back of the sternum to open the ‘eyes of the chest’. Go towards Ujjayi exhalation and then inhalation at your own pace.
Then come to sitting in simple cross legs and place a folded blanket over the thighs as a ledge-like support for the back of the wrists and hands. This can help release tension in the shoulders and the arms in sitting.
Start Ujjayi exhalation and then add inhalation as you are ready. Keep the face soft, the throat soft and the eyes quiet throughout.
Finish in flat Savasana with a support under the head. Consciously release tension from the eyes, the ears, the tongue, and the throat. See if you can come to complete stillness, with no tension anywhere.
Video stills from this sequence