Typically, the more advanced we get, the more used we become to some poses that might have seemed difficult or new at the start of our yoga journey. In this class, through the use of different prop configurations, we will attempt to regain the feeling of novelty in some common restorative poses.
When beginning a class — any class — it is important to observe how we’re feeling. Rushed? Preoccupied? Already relaxed? Quiet and ready? Only through this observation will we be able to see what our practice brings. But, as was said earlier, it becomes more difficult to remain observant and interested in certain poses as we progress from level to level. Certain poses begin to feel too easy or familiar and we become disconnected from the practice.
That is why it’s important to change some things around from time to time. A good way to bring this novelty and change into our practice is by trying out new ways of using props. This way we might just discover a new expression of a pose and learn to appreciate it in more depth.
Video stills from this sequence