This is a restorative Iyengar yoga class for higher-level students, as well as teachers and those in teacher training. It will follow a typical restorative class structure: brief asana sequence at the start to activate the body, including some shoulder and hip opening exercises, then the restorative poses followed by a guided breathing meditation session at the end.
Pixie offers teachers and those in teacher training lots of useful tips on how to better explain the actions involved in such static poses as Supported Setu Bandha Sarvangasana and Savasana. Often these seemingly simple poses are the most difficult to understand and explain properly. As static as they are they in fact involve a lot of different actions and processes that we need to be aware of to ensure we are doing the poses correctly. We’ll try different variations in Setu Bandha Sarvangasana — different heights and bolster positions as well as legs straight, hanging over the bolster, or crossed over a bolster — to try to see what each of these variations brings and what actions are universal to the pose regardless of the variation.
Towards the end of the restorative session, Pixie introduces a brief pranayama segment. This segment acts as a crucial link between the physical and spiritual aspects of yoga practice. Participants will engage in guided breathing exercises designed to harmonize body and mind, facilitating a deeper assimilation of the restorative poses’ benefits. Here, the breath serves as a tool for creating internal space, fostering a serene environment and heightened awareness. This pranayama practice encourages practitioners to establish a mindful connection with their breath, infusing a renewed sense of energy and tranquility before concluding the session. This integration underscores yoga’s holistic nature, enriching the restorative experience and providing practitioners with a practical tool for sustained well-being beyond the mat.
Video stills from this sequence