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Wednesday Advanced Term 2 (Coming to Pranayama)


This is a live restorative and pranayama class for advanced students and teacher trainees.

Wednesday Advanced Term 2 (Coming to Pranayama)

Seen as this class is a restorative and pranayama class, we’ll be going inward today, trying to strike that perfect balance between quietness and alertness that we strive to instill in ourselves through regular yoga practice.

We will start the class with a short asana practice, going through a range of poses — standing, balancing, and inversions — before settling down into the supine and seated meditation section. During the asana practice, we will look at some variations to the more frequent poses in order to get a chance to educate ourselves about the more intricate aspects of each pose. Asana practice is very important before moving on to the meditative part. After all, coming to pranayama isn’t just about opening up the chest and learning to relax enough to sit and lie still for prolonged periods of time; it’s also about learning to observe and go inward in a way that brings peace and quiet to the mind; it’s about synchronising the rhythms of the body and mind to the point where they move as one.