This session focusses on weight-bearing poses to help build confidence and balance, tone our muscles, and maintain good bone density throughout.
Set up in Virasana forward, using a blanket between the buttocks and the heels if the heels don’t reach the buttocks. Take a moment to release the legs and the lower back and to quieten the breath.
Come up to standing. Lift the arms to Urdhva Hastasana.
Then place the palms against the wall at hip height and shoulder width. Step back into 1/2 Uttanasana, buttocks in line over the heels. Feel the feet evenly on the floor, lift the kneecaps up and extend through the arms into the sides of the chest.
Come up and step a little close to the wall. Bend the elbows, keeping them close to the sides of the chest, and bring your chest closer to the wall. This is like a standing press-up or plank pose. Keep the shoulder blades engaged as you bend the elbows. Repeat several times.
Come down onto your mat for Adho Mukha Svanasana, Dog Pose, with the hands on the floor against the wall. Now lift the hips and press the legs backwards, and hold the firmness of the elbows and arms.
Release, and now do Dog Pose placing the heels up the wall, focussing on the work of the arms and shoulders to hold a little longer.
Now come to half Full Arm Balance, stepping the feet up the wall to bring the legs parallel to the floor. Arms straight, and lift the arms up into the shoulders, shoulders up off the arms. Hold to capacity and then step down and rest forward in Uttanasana.
Repeat Dog Pose if you are not ready to walk up the wall.
Headstand preparation, to keep the work in the arms and shoulders and place more weight on the forearms. Interlock the fingers and lift the hips up, holding to capacity. Build up your time holding the pose. Repeat, but this time try to walk the feet up the wall till the thighs are parallel to the floor. Or repeat the first preparation.
Now come up to standing, and prepare for Vrksasana, Tree Pose.
The first one will be done using a chair. Place a chair against the wall, and standing on your left leg, bend the right knee and place the foot onto the chair seat, knee over the heel, and at 90 degrees from the hip.
Change sides.
Now the full pose.
Stand side on to the wall, and lift the opposite foot up to place it on the standing leg inner thigh. Use the wall for balance if needed, for the kneecap, if required, or just to help yourself with one hand to rebalance. Keep your gaze steady and build your time in the pose and work to extend both arms up straight over the head. Change sides.
Now take the chair again and place it against the wall. Face the chair seat and standing on your Left foot bend the Right knee to 90 degrees with the foot on the chair. Learn to balance, extending the arms up. Change sides.
Utkatasana with the back against the wall. Slide down the wall, knees facing forward, and keep the back of the pelvis against the wall. Hold and repeat several times. Build your stamina in holding the pose. Only slide down to where the knees can support you without discomfort.
More work to strengthen the legs. Sit on the chair, feet evenly placed below the knees, and stand up and sit down, keeping the knees pointing straight forward. Only bend forward as much as you need to. Repeat several times. This is good for toning your muscles and for building confidence in the legs.
Come down onto the floor and come close to the wall, and swing the legs up against the wall, pelvis flat on the floor and legs at 90 degrees. Use head support as required.
Bend the legs to Baddha Konasana for a minute or so, and then bend the knees into the chest.
Then roll to the side and come up to finish.
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