What is Parivrita Trikonasana (turning Trikonasana)
Revolved Triangle Pose. This revolved standing posture is a further development of Utthita Trikonasana. In Revolved Triangle, the torso and chest turn deeply over the straight front leg. The spinal twist is much more pronounced in this version.
When to use Parivrita Trikonasana (turning Trikonasana)
The revolved standing poses are generally learned after the basic lateral standing poses have become familiar. In practice, too, it is usual to include some straightforward standing asana before moving on to the revolved standings. Revolved standings are not practiced during menstruation; at this time, stick to the open plain standing poses and take them with some support.
Revolved triangle pose can be taken in a full standing poses sequence, or when exploring twisting actions in the different classes of poses. It is also useful in some cases of lower-back discomfort: it can be practiced facing the horse or the wall, minimising the depth of the twist (as needed), and working to gently free any stuck areas of the muscles of the lower back.