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(Cow Face Pose)

How to perform Cow Face Pose

Cross your legs over each other, bringing your knees one over the other. Place the heels of your feet by your hips, and point your toes backward. Bring your hands behind your back, your elbows pointing in opposite directions. Join your hands or grab onto a belt if necessary.

What is Full Gomukhasana?

This bound pose has a well-pronounced hip- and shoulder-opening effect. You bend your legs, position the heels of your feet by the opposing hip joints, and stack your knees on top of each other right in front of you. If necessary, you can use a block or blankets under your buttocks to elevate your hips so that you can ensure you keep your back straight and your sit bones grounded. After achieving this, clasp your hands behind your back, your elbows pointing in different directions, and open up your chest and shoulders.

When to use Full Gomukhasana?

This is an asymmetrical pose, perfect for promoting hip mobility and shoulder strength and flexibility, and evening out imbalances in both sides of your body.

However, it can pose great difficulties if you are experiencing pain or excess stiffness in the neck, shoulders, or knee joints, so some modifications and/or props can be employed to make Gomukhasana more accessible. If you have knee issues, try simply crossing your legs or positioning them in Baddha Konasana instead. A belt can be used if you are struggling to join your hands behind your back.

Either way, this pose will help you stretch a whole range of muscles: those in your hips, ankles, thighs, shoulders, neck, and underarms. Moreover, this pose promotes good posture. It is also very energising which makes it a great pose to include in your morning routine or at the start of a sequence.

Video sequences that include this pose