This sequence is aimed at level 1/2 students who are looking to strengthen their abdominal muscles and improve their balance and coordination. The first part of the class will be dedicated to inversions, with and without wall support, while the second part will be done mostly in a seated and supine position and will be a combination of balance and core-strengthening work.
We will start the class with a short warm-up involving shoulder-opening arm exercises in Tadasana. Then, we will move on to the inversions. This class is meant to be followed even by those who are yet insecure in their inversions and will include tips on how to modify these poses to make them appropriate for your level.
We will then move on to some seated balances, going through Paripurna and Ardha Navasana (the boat poses) as well as Ubhaya Padangusthasana with and without support. A chair might prove useful for this part of the class, especially to those who are new to these poses. However, if you don’t have a chair, you can also use the wall.
Finally, we will do a short supine core-strengthening mini-sequence featuring Urdhva Prasarita Padasana as the base pose. Here, we will practise lifting and lowering our legs with control while keeping our middle and buttocks glued to the ground. This exercise will help to work both on coordination, core strength, and balance.
We will finish off with a short hip-opening sequence and an introduction to Salamba Sarvangasana (Shoulderstand) before finishing off with a brief guided meditation.
Video stills from this sequence