The connections in our body are as fascinating as they are endless. In this class, we will go through many different forward bends, explore them in detail, and take some time to contemplate which parts of the body — both minor and major — are involved in the actions we perform.
The class is broken down into six key parts. First, we will go through some heating inversions to warm up all the key joints and muscles that we will need throughout the session. Here, students will get some insights on how to deepen their understanding of Adho Mukha Vrksasana. Then, we will move on to standing forward bends and seated forward bends. To mark the transition between the main part of the class and the restorative part, we will perform a few seated twists — this will also help to release any tension we might have accumulated in the spine. Then, we will move on to some variations of Salamba Sarvangasana before finishing off with some restorative poses.
This is a longer class that is suitable for experienced students looking to deepen their understanding of both basic and advanced forward bends and for those going through teacher training and looking to get some new insights into familiar poses.
Video stills from this sequence