Asymmetry in the body is natural, yet it can limit our practice and contribute to postural imbalances. This advanced session addresses the common challenge of uneven leg strength and tightness in the hips through a systematic approach to balancing both sides of the body.
The class features challenging poses like Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana and handstand variations to help address differences in leg strength and stability. By consciously working with both legs in these demanding poses, we develop greater awareness of our habitual patterns and begin to correct imbalances.
Though this sequence mostly focuses on the legs, it includes a lot of inversions, as they can be great tools to reveal points of weakness or instability. Sirsasana, for example, can offer insight into leg alignment and hip positioning. The shoulder stand family of poses – including Halasana and Sarvangasana – allows us to work on releasing tension in the legs while also paying attention to how the way we position our legs affects our posture.
In the second part of the sequence, we go through four variations of Supta Padangusthasana. This way, we systematically address hip mobility and hamstring flexibility, providing a clear mirror of the differences between right and left sides. However, we intersperse this sequence with other poses and hip-opening exercises, picked out specifically to prepare the body for each variation of Supta Padangusthasana. The hip opening work culminates in Baddha Konasana, where we get a chance to see the results of performing these poses that came earlier in the sequence.
Throughout the session, emphasis is placed on recognizing habitual movement patterns and consciously developing new neuromuscular pathways. Props and wall support are used to highlight subtle differences between sides and to work precisely on evening out disparities.
Video stills from this sequence