In this miscellaneous class for level 1/2 students, we will be looking for new approaches to poses that will help us increase our capacity. So, we will be experimenting with the position of our hands and feet as well as with the use of props — blocks, chairs, and the wall.
We will go through a relatively small collection of poses, yet the class will be quite dynamic since we will be trying out different variations and modifications to compare them with the “normal” pose.
For the standing forward and lateral bends like Utthita Trikonasana, Parsvakonasana, and Ardha Chandrasana, we will use wall support. This will help us achieve the same sense of opening as in the unsupported variation but with greater upper body support. So, it will be easier to focus on observing the actions and sensations in the body as it experiences the pose.
Video stills from this sequence