Session 3 will add an extra shoulder-opening variation, and continue with the Standing Poses already practised and one new addition. There are also a few extra sitting poses, upright, and then repeating those same poses with the legs against the wall to support the spine whilst opening the hips.
We start in Virasana forward, to get a release through the back muscles, open the dorsal spine and release the neck before coming to standing.
Stand in Tadasana, feet hip-width apart and take the arms up in Baddanguliyasana (fingers interlocked), Garudasana (crossing the elbows one over the other), and Namaskar (prayer position with the hands behind the back).
1/2 Uttanasana to the wall, with hands at hip height and then higher, to bring opening to the upper back and shoulders.
Standing poses, jumping or stepping the feet apart. Trikonasana (2 times), Parsva Konasana (arm overhead), Virabhadrasana 1 (Warrior 1), and today adding Virabhadrasana 2 (Warrior 2), creating a nice lateral opening across the hips.
Finish with Parsvottanasana (Intense Side Stretch) with the hands in Namaskar, and Prasarita Padottanasana, bringing the front thigh crease deeper as you extend the trunk forward.
Sit in Vajrasana (feet together with a folded towel under the buttocks) and then come into Virasana (Hero’s Pose) where the feet are on either side of the hips extending the toes back, using the folded towel under the buttocks for extra support for the spine and removing pressure from the knees.
Baddha Konasana (Cobblers Pose) sitting upright, and then spread the legs into Upavistha Konasana, a wide-angled upright sitting pose that opens the inner groins and thighs while extending the spine upwards.
To release any tension in the back muscles and neck, sit in simple cross legs and turn to the Right and then to Left. Come back to the centre and walk the hands forward, keeping good length in the front of the body. Change the cross legs and repeat.
Now take these same hip-opening poses to the wall. Lie on your back, buttocks, and back of the legs up against the wall. After a minute or two, bring the heels down to Baddha Konasana, and then add Upavistha Konasana legs. Notice how the legs respond and open more when your spine is well supported and straight.
Come down and set up for Virasana forward, and notice what that pose feels like compared to when you did it at the very start of the session.
Now lie out for Savasana (Corpse Pose) and observe your body on the floor and watch your breath coming quietly in and out through the nose.
Video stills from this sequence