This is a good session to do at any time, but it may work particularly well at the end of the day. It is about 40 minutes long and involves minimal props. It brings the mind and the body into a peaceful and rested state, bringing calm to the nervous system. It is also suitable for practice during the menstrual cycle.
Start in Supta Baddha Konasana lying over two half folded blankets, with head support. Stay a few minutes to let the body settle, which also helps the mind to quieten after a busy day.
Go forward in simple cross-legs, head resting on the blanket support, taking more height as needed.
Uttanasana resting the forearms and forehead onto the seat of a chair, using extra blanket height if needed, keeping the legs straight and the trunk easily going forward to the chair.
Step a little further back into half Dog Pose, hands onto the seat of the chair, and extend through the spine and the side chest.
Now spread the legs wide apart and place the hands and the forehead onto the chair seat, like half Prasarita Padottanasana.
Come up, and take two blocks and set them up into a T shape. Lie back over the blocks to open the chest, head resting on the horizontal block, and the back ribs on the longer block.
Roll to the side and set the blocks up one in front of the other. Lie back in three stages, starting with the top edge of the shoulders on the blocks, bent knees, and head off the block. After a minute, slide halfway to the floor, and then finally slide all the way back to bring the shoulders and head onto the floor.
Roll to the side and prepare for taking the legs up to the wall at about 70 degrees. For today you can use two blocks and a folded blanket placed under the back, pelvis, and shoulders, and head on the floor. (If in your Menstrual cycle, just lie back in simple ross legs, not taking the legs up).
After about 5 minutes, bring the legs to simple cross legs, and then slide back bringing the whole back body and pelvis onto the floor, resting your crossed legs onto the blocks.
Lie back over a three-fold blanket in Savasana. Position the blanket so that the lower edge comes in line with the lower rib line. Start to observe the breath (Conscious breathing), and gradually let the exhalation deepen. After some cycles, gradually increase the inhalation also. Ujjayi.
After some minutes, go back to normal breathing, and bend the knees, lift the buttocks and slide down a little more towards the feet so that the edge of the blanket comes just under the lower shoulder blade tips. Resettle, and then let the exhalation deepen and go to 4-5 cycles of inhalation in stages (Viloma 1).
To finish, return to normal breathing, and roll to the side and lie back in flat Savasana for a few minutes to let the breath come to a quiet relaxation breath, softly in and out through the nose.
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