In this session, we’ll explore a wide range of standing poses, incorporating challenging elements like twisting and balancing actions. Although relatively brief, this session presents significant challenges due to the variety of poses covered. You can expect advanced twisted standing poses such as Parivritta Trikonasana and Parivritta Ardha Chandrasana, standing balances like Virabhadrasana III, and inversions such as Pincha Mayurasana, Sirsasana, and Sarvangasana.
Twisting and balancing requires a lot of mental presence. This is why, right from the session’s outset, you’ll be encouraged to ask yourself: ‘Am I fully present from the beginning, or does it take time to immerse myself? How long does it take?’ Asking yourself these questions before each session is vital as they foster daily self-awareness. Over time, this introspective approach becomes habitual, enhancing accountability in both your practice and daily life. This habit will pave the way for clearer progress along your developmental journey.
Incorporating twisting and balancing actions into your yoga sessions bring about great benefits for your mind, body, and spirit. These movements not only challenge your physical endurance but also deepen your practice in many ways.
Twists in yoga offer a cleansing effect, wringing out toxins while enhancing spinal flexibility. They massage internal organs, promoting detoxification and aiding digestion. Moreover, these poses stimulate circulation, rejuvenating the body from within.
Balancing poses, on the other hand, cultivate a profound sense of focus and presence. They refine proprioception and balance, training the mind to find steadiness amid movement and stillness. Beyond the physical aspect, balancing postures foster mental resilience and sharpen concentration, translating these skills off the mat into everyday life.
Together, these actions harmonise the body’s equilibrium, fostering a sense of centeredness and grace. They teach us the art of finding stability in the midst of change, cultivating both physical and mental strength. Incorporating twists and balances into your yoga practice opens up a way toward holistic well-being and self-discovery.
Video stills from this sequence