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Wednesday Advanced Class (Forward Bends)


This is the second class in our live series directed at advanced students, and today we will be focussing mainly on forward bends. These live session recordings can be helpful not only to those who don't have the opportunity to take part in the classes but also to those who have missed out on a class in the term and wish to fill in the gaps in their practice.

Wednesday Advanced Class (Forward Bends)

In case you missed our previous Wednesday Advanced Class, last week we went through a hybrid session, incorporating standing poses and forward bends. In today’s video, we will be predominantly exploring forward bends. These live session recordings can be helpful not only to those who don’t have the opportunity to take part in the classes but also to those who have missed out on a class in the term and wish to fill in the gaps in their practice.

The main theme of today’s class is interconnection. We will work on increasing our awareness of our bodies, learning to listen to the subtle signs and instructions it gives us so as to help us to approach each pose more efficiently.

Mr. Iyengar used to tell his students to “See” or “Watch” but, as simple as such instructions might seem, their full implementation only comes after years of practice. The key thing to keep in mind is that if you keep searching, you will eventually find what you are looking for. One of the things that will often hinder our progress is our overreliance on our brain to direct us. This is a habit that we should aim to break out of if we want to establish a healthy relationship with ourselves.

Yoga aims to teach us to use our bodies as well as our brains to give us relevant information on the processes that guide our movements. It is interesting that oftentimes we are most receptive to the subtle hints our bodies give us when we are feeling out of shape or when we are troubled by some nagging pain. In situations of discomfort, we are much more tuned in to our bodies and are much more aware of any little changes in our practice. But when things are good, we tend to take them for granted. So, today we will look at ways of getting in touch with our bodies and discovering the lessons they are trying to teach us.