This session is aimed at assisting the student to first enter into the quietness and focus required for Pranayama, finishing with a short section on sitting for Pranayama.
Set up for Supta Baddhakonasana over a bolster, with a blanket for head support. This will serve to open the chest and awaken the diaphragm and settle our nerves and mind so that we are ready for Pranayama.
Come up and go forward in Virasana, resting the trunk fully onto the bolster, with extra height as needed.
This will now help us spread the back ribs and become more conscious of how the ribs open with each inhalation and subside with each exhalation.
Set up for supine Pranayama, placing two half-folded blankets, one over the other, slightly staggering the top one a little back. Follow the instructions for the half-folded blanket placement. Have a blanket for head support.
Let yourself settle and then start to become more conscious of your breath, moving gradually into Ujjayi exhalation and then deepening also the inhalation. Continue for 6-8 cycles of deep inhalation and exhalation, taking a normal cycle at any time you need to come back to neutral.
Then turn to the side and come up for sitting.
We will explore what support you need to sit easily with the legs releasing down and the spine extending up.
We will go through some possible supports to assist the sitting position, and also a few ways to bring the head down for Jalandhara Bandha.
Finish in Savasana, with head support as needed.
Video stills from this sequence