Lie back over a three-fold blanket in simple cross legs.
Come up for Virasana forward, placing the forehead onto the blanket.
Start to notice the length in the front of the body and the release of the groins, important for all forward bends.
Come up for Uttanasana, with the buttocks against the wall, feet hip-width apart, and about a foot away from the wall to take the strain off the hamstrings and to give freedom as you bend forward.
Now take a chair and go to Uttanasana again, feet in line with the buttocks and place the arms onto the chair back or the chair seat.
Adho Mukha Svanasana (Dog Pose) with the heels up the wall, to bring height into the hips to give a bit more release to the hamstrings.
Parsvottanasana, a standing forward bend, with the back foot to the wall and the hands to the chair. Keep the front of the body long.
Full Arm Balance preparation walking up the wall, and then Head Balance preparation, walking up the wall. The front of the body stays long, spread out, and the back of the legs are open.
Come back down to sit on the mat with extra blanket height as needed, with a chair placed to the front of your mat.
From Dandasana go forward to Paschimottanasana, taking the hands to the seat of the chair to help keep the front of the body lifted.
Then change to Janu Sirsasana, hands to the chair.
Triang Mukha Eka Pada Paschimottanasana with a blanket under the buttocks. Lift the trunk up as you go forward to your capacity, hands to the chair.
Come up to sit on the chair sideways, and holding the back of the chair turn to the right side. Then turn around and rotate to the left for a chair variation of Bharadvajasana.
Lie on your back for Savasana with calves resting on the chair, and a blanket for the back of the head as needed.
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