Forward bends are highly beneficial as they help us recenter ourselves and release pent-up stress and tension, both physical and mental. When we go into forward extension, we don’t only stretch out our muscles, which helps combat pain and stiffness, but we also work toward decreasing negative emotions. Studies have shown that stretching can increase serotonin levels and thus lead to a reduction in stress and anxiety.
In this session, we will go through some of the more foundational forward bends, starting off in standing and moving on to the seated position. We will also practice some inversions, like Adho Mukha Vrksasana, Pincha Mayurasana, and Salamba Sirsasana, all of which are known to increase energy levels and have a good impact on one’s mood. In the end, we will go into Halasana and Salamba Sarvangasana to cool down.
Due to the cooling effect of forward bends, this sequence is perfect for warmer days. It can also come well in the afternoon and evening, as a way to unwind after a long and busy day.
Video stills from this sequence