A dynamic short sequence with a few backbends to increase energy and motivation for the day.
Lie back over two T-shaped blocks, either in simple cross-legs or in Supta Virasana if within your capacity.
Come up and go forward into Virasana, and then continue straight through into Adho Mukha Svanasana (Dog Pose) on the breath, going from Virasana to Dog Pose and back, 6-7 times, synchronising the movement with the breath.
Stand and take your mat to the wall for Adho Mukha Vrksasana, Full Arm Balance, first walking up the wall and then going into the full pose if possible, or repeat the preparation.
Sirsasana, Headbalance, preparation with feet on the floor to the wall, and then walk the feet up the wall to 90 degrees, head still off the floor.
Come up to stand at the front edge of the mat for a sequence that goes from Tadasana to Uttanasana to Adho Mukha Svanasana, and then stepping back to Uttanasana and up to Tadasana. Repeat that sequence twice.
Start again in Tadasana, Uttanasana and Adho Mukha Svanasana, and now add Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (Upward Facing Dog pose), back to Adho Mukha Svanasana, step into Uttanasana, and up to Tadasana. Repeat twice.
Kneel on your mat and go to Ustrasana, camel pose, first swaying the trunk backwards and forwards to get good stability in the legs, and then taking the hands to the heels and pressing the hips forward for the full pose, head back to capacity.
Lie on your back for Chatushpadasana. With knees bent and feet hip-width apart, hands by the sides of the heels, lift the hips up on the exhalation, repeating 5 -6 times, up and down.
Continue with full Chatushpadasana, holding the ankles when lifting the hips, or placing the palms under the heels if the shoulders are stiff.
To finish, place an upright brick under the back pelvis, mid to upper sacrum, and hold for a minute or two in Setu Bandhasana. Remove the brick and come down.
Stand up in Tadasana and place a brick between the upper thighs, just under the pelvis. Gradually lean forward into Uttanasana, letting your back release at its own pace.
Then step the feet back into Adho Mukha Svanasana, holding 5-6 breaths, and then bend the knees, remove the brick and go into Virasana forward, placing the brick under the front of the trunk from navel to sternum. Repeat Adho Mukha Svanasana and Virasana forward once again.
Lie on your back with feet to the wall, for Supta Padangusthasana 1 and 2. As you come into the lateral position, have a brick along the outer hip for support.
Finish the sequence with legs up the wall, placing two bricks in a T shape, plus a folded blanket placed on top of the bricks, near the wall. Lie back with the pelvis resting on the blocks and blanket, legs up at about a 70-degree angle, heels to the wall, shoulders on the floor.
After a few minutes go to simple cross-legs, and then slide down, buttocks to the floor, changing the cross leg, and remaining in Savasana here for a few minutes to return to neutral.
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