This session is perfect for when you are about to get in a car or go to the airport. It also works very well to energise yourself before starting a full workday.
Start the session standing in Tadasana with the feet hip-width apart.
Extend the arms up for Baddanguliyasana, elbows straight, to lift and open the sternum and side ribs. Change your interlock and extend the arms up again.
Garudasana arms in Tadasana, starting with the Right arm on top. This helps to release the shoulders and to bring some opening to the upper back. Change, with Left arm on top.
Paschima Namaskar, hands in prayer position behind you. This will further release morning shoulder tension and broaden the front chest.
1/2 Uttanasana to the wall. Keep the head in line with the arms, elbows straight and legs active. Open the backs of the knees. Repeat, or step up the wall now for Full Arm Balance preparation. As you hold the pose notice the effect that weight bearing onto the arms has. It brings a sense of stability and connection to the upper body.
Come down and step back into Adho Mukha Svanasana for a few breaths.
Take a block or support and sit in Virasana, taking the arms up to Parvatasana. Change the interlock.
Forward Virasana and then continue for 6-8 cycles going from Forward Virasana to Adho Mukha Svanasana to Forward Virasana and back to Adho Mukha Svanasana, synchronising the movement with the breath.
Come up to Tadasana and start 4 cycles of going from Tadasana – Urdhva Hastasana – Uttanasana – stepping one leg at a time back to Adho Mukha Svanasana – Step forward to Uttanassana – Urdhva Hastasana – Tadasana. Change the leg that steps back first each time.
Continue with two more cycles, adding Urdhva Mukha Svanasana after Adho Mukha Svanasana, first with toes tucked under and then onto the tops of the feet/metatarsals.
Sit in Dandasana with a blanket or block under the buttocks and bring the legs to Baddhakonasana.
Change to Upavistha Konasana, with or without support as needed.
Parsva Upavistha Konasana to the Right and then to the Left.
Simple Cross legs twist, turning to the Right for 3-4 breaths, and then to the Left. Change the cross legs and repeat.
Extend forwards from simple cross legs.
To finish, take your mat to the wall and have a blanket for your head.
Lie with the buttocks up against the wall and bring the legs up to 90 degrees. Place a folded blanket under the back of the head. Keep the legs straight and up against the wall and hold for a minute.
From there, drop the legs down into Baddha Konasana. Hold for a minute.
Now go to Upavistha Konasana legs and hold for a minute.
Bend the knees into the chest for a few breaths and then turn to the Right side.
Lie back in Savasana, head support as needed, and stay for a few minutes to bring quietness to the eyes and breath.
Video stills from this sequence