Overview of the sequence
Today’s sequence uses a few sitting poses at the beginning of the session to bring life to the pelvis, torso, and hips before lying back over blanket supports for Savasana/Pranayama.
Step by step guide
Start in Supta Baddha Konasana lying back over a few blankets folded in half. Come up to simple cross-legs forward.
Stand for Uttanasana with hands to the shins or floor, and follow on with Adho Mukha Svanasana (Dog Pose) holding the sides of the mat and resting the forehead on a few folded blankets to help bring quietness to the face and eyes and move inwards, observing our body and breath in all the next poses.
Come to Virasana, with buttock support as needed, and extend the arms into Parvatasana to bring life to the side chest. Dandasana to release any tension in the knees and legs, and then set up for Gomukhasana preparation, using a folded blanket, if needed, to keep the buttocks evenly weighted. Full Gomukhasana, another closed or crossed leg pose which brings compactness to the hips and openness to the shoulders. The arm-work will assist to release neck tightness.
Baddha Konasana to open the inner groins and thighs, bring life to the pelvic region, and lift to the spine.
The last sitting pose is Siddhasana (Perfect Pose, known for its symmetry and balance) which brings evenness to the hips and supports the spinal lift. Through its balance from the foundation up, it brings the mind to quietness and, for this reason, is often used as a Meditation pose.
Now lie back over two staggered half folded blankets with a support for the head (you can also fold the top edge of the blanket back) and start to focus the mind on the body and on the breath. Normal breathing, and then continue to Ujjayi exhalation followed by deep inhalation and exhalation.
After about 8 cycles, go back to normal breathing. Slide the buttocks down towards the feet a little to bring the top edge of the blanket just under the lower tips of the shoulder blades to open the upper chest more fully. Resettle, and then go gradually into Ujjayi deep inhalation and deep exhalation. 4 or 5 cycles.
Finish in flat Savasana with the two folded blankets placed over the upper thighs to bring the legs to further passivity. This also helps to quieten the nervous system. Feel the light touch of the breath as it moves softly in and out through the nose.
Equipment required
- Mat
- 2x Blanket
- Belt
Video stills from this sequence