In this miscellaneous class, we’ll be focussing on strengthening the core and increasing range of motion through twists. We’ll also practice some inversions, first starting with preparatory variations, then going into the full poses. Though the class is miscellaneous, we will focus more on seated postures, especially on seated twists like Marichyasana 3 and Ardha Matsyendrasana.
The purpose of such miscellaneous classes is to target a specific part of the body or aspect of one’s yoga practice rather than an asana type. Of course, we also aim to balance our session, so we will activate as much of the body as possible. Before moving on to the core strengthening and twisting exercises, we will work on loosening our shoulder and neck area through some repetitions of Adho Mukha Svanasana and Virasana Forward and then a few inversions, such as Adho Mukha Vrksasana and Sirsasana, which will also help to energise the body and mind.
We’ll do the core strengthening session first, going through poses such as Ubhaya Padangusthasana and Paripurna Navasana. Then, we’ll move on to the seated twists as they will help us to release any tension that we might have accumulated in the back and abdominal area while doing the core exercises. By feeling the relief after the strenuous abdominal session, we will get a better idea of how beneficial twisting actions are in general and which areas they target the most.
Video stills from this sequence