This sequence can be practised during the second part of the menstrual cycle, when our energy may be a bit stronger, or when you are wanting to create some hip and groin opening, using supports as needed to lessen any load when stiff or fatigued.
Start in Supta Baddha Konasana to help open the chest and to create lighter energy throughout.
Come up and go into Virasana forward, getting good length through the sides of the hips and pelvis, and full extension through the arms.
Go into Adho Mukha Svanasana, creating a lift in the hips and opening the thighs back.
Come down and turn towards the wall and go back into Adho Mukha Svanasana, hands against the wall to press back into the legs, using the support of the hands to energise the arms.
Stand and place the hands to the wall, hip height, shoulder width for Half Uttanasana. Find good length in the front body and keep the thighs pressing back, toes forward.
Back to Tadasana, feet apart, and take the arms through three variations: Baddanguliyasana, Namaskar, and Gomukhasana. These will open the shoulders and help remove stiffness in the upper body, helping to remove dullness and to create a clearer and sharper energy in the body.
Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana 2, taking the raised foot to the wall or resting the heel to the back of a chair.
Then turn the chair around and stand facing the back of the chair. Take one leg up and bend it to the side, placing the outer calf to the chair back. This will bring a little deeper rotation to the hip.
Standing poses with the back heel to the wall and a block for the hand:
Trikonasana, bottom hand to a half or upright block; Parsva Konasana, lower hand on a block to the inside of the front ankle and top hand to the hip; Ardha Chandrasana, back foot up against the wall and lower hand on a block; Parsvottanasana with both hands to upright blocks and a concave back, sternum well forward.
Sit in Virasana with a block under the buttocks to rest the legs and extend the sides of the chest up in Parvatasana.
Still sitting on the block, change to Baddha Konasana, and open the inner knees outwards. Take the back ribs well in to release the thighs to the side.
Change to Upavistha Konasana, legs wide apart, hands by the sides of the hips, and then turn to each side, using a belt for the opposite foot as needed, to bring a small twist into the hips and back ribs, whilst keeping the back of the legs firmly down onto or towards the floor.
Supta Padangusthasana 2: Lie on your back, feet to the wall, and one block on either side of your hips. Bend the Right leg and using a belt, as needed, take the leg out to the side to open up the inner thigh, groin whilst keeping the chest evenly facing the ceiling. Change.
Finish with a ‘mini’ Setu Bandha.
Lie over two blocks with a half-folded blanket on top. Slide back to bring the shoulders to the floor, the blocks opening the back ribs, and supporting the buttocks. Straighten the legs, feet to the floor, legs wide apart.
Slide back, go to simple cross legs, and then finally stretch out the legs to either side of the blocks. Release the legs and feet out to the side, and soften the face and the breath in Savasana. Observe if the abdomen feels freer and if your energy is now a little lighter and clearer.
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