This is one of the most varied advanced-level classes we have had so far this year. In this class, we will be going through all the major pose groups — with a special focus on arm balances — and will finish off with an hour-long restorative cool-down.
Yoga is all about balance; balancing the dynamic with the static, the workings of the mind with those of the body. Some people are more levelled by nature while others are more fiery and energetic. This is why miscellaneous classes like this can be very beneficial in giving everyone a chance to leave their comfort zone in a bid to come to a more neutral state. By engaging in more dynamic sequences, the more levelled individuals learn to let go of their need to control every action and get to see what benefits going with the flow can bring. As for those who are more energetic, taking some time to go inward and observe can prove to be useful since it teaches them that it’s okay to slow down and just “be” from time to time.
The class will be broken down into several distinct parts. First, we will do some shoulder-opening arm exercises in Tadasana to prepare for the arm balances that lie ahead. Then, we will move on to warm up with some heating inversions. After this, we will do some dynamic mini-sequences, wherein we be transitioning from Adho Mukha Svanasana into some standard standing poses.
The arm balance section of the class can be adapted, depending on your restrictions. The important thing to remember here is that even if we have some restrictions — stiffness, injuries, or arthritis — it doesn’t mean that we can’t work towards a pose. We should honor our limitations, be aware of them, and know when to stop, how to modify a pose so as not to overstep the line.
After the arm balances, we will go through one more dynamic mini-sequence, going from Dandasana to Adho Mukha Svanasana and back again several times. This will help release any tension that might have been accumulated in our neck and shoulders during the arm balances.
Finally, before moving on to the restorative part of the class, we will use a chair to help us do some backbends and seated twists.
Video stills from this sequence