This sequence is aimed towards opening the chest, the groins, and lower pelvic region, as well as quietening the nervous system. It is perfectly suited to the early days of menstruation or on a day that you are feeling fatigued or mildly unwell.
This session can also help alleviate general cramps, and to lessen the tightness across the abdomen and the lower back often experienced during Menstruation.
Start in Supta Baddha Konasana, lying back over a bolster or two or three folded blankets. Let the eyes soften and the chest open and notice how the inner thighs start to spread and the hips release.
Come up into Virasana forwards, resting the trunk over the bolster to release the lower back and ti spread the back of the ribs.
Stand up in Tadasana, feet apart, and bring the hands down to the floor or onto bricks, keeping the front of the body long and the back ribs moving down towards the floor. Sternum forward and eyes forward.
Adho Mukha Svanasana, hands to the wall with the forehead resting onto a brick to quieten the eyes, the face, and the breath, whilst lengthening through the spine and lifting the hips up.
Prasarita Padottanasana, concave spine, using bricks for a few hand variations to open the shoulders through a few different actions.
Now to open the groins and come into the hips, whilst spreading the lower abdominal area: Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana 2, top foot to the wall and resting the heel on the backrest of a chair if needed, Trikonasana, back foot to the wall, and then Ardha Chandrasana, back foot into the wall and resting on the chair back for further support to be able to stay without effort and open the pelvis and the trunk further.
A few sitting poses to rest the legs, and continue with hip and groin opening. This helps to lift mental energy and to bring circulation to the lower pelvic region: Virasana, Baddha Konasana, and Upavistha Konasana, using your hands as support to get a good opening from the back ribs into the front body.
Bharadvajasana 1, seated twist, to release any residual tension in the neck and lower back.
Lie out for Setu Bandha, with two bricks and one or two folded blankets, or a bolster. Keep the shoulders and head on the floor, heels on the floor, feet to the wall, and the legs wide apart to open into the groins and to support the opening that comes into the lower back and mid-dorsal area.
Slide back and then move into Virasana forward over the Setu Bandha support. This will quieten the adrenal glands and the muscles in the lower back.
Finish in Savasana, using a rolled blanket or your bolster under your knees as you lie back. Feel the softening in the lower back region, and let your breath, eyes, and face soften to bring greater quietness.
See if you now feel lighter and more open, a little more energised but also calmer.
Video stills from this sequence