A seated and forward bend class for level 1/2 students where we will be focussing on opening up the hamstrings and achieving elongation through a series of open twists. We will also be attempting some more challenging poses, like Ubhaya Padangusthasana done with the feet to the wall, in order to strengthen the core and back body.
Before the seated section of the class, we will warm up with some standing poses. This kind of warm-up is very important in a seated asana class because it helps us activate and stretch the legs, thus making it easier to maintain a straight spine when seated instead of slouching.
After the main seated and forward bend part of the class, we will release the spine through a series of open twists such as Bharadvajasana. Such poses have a calming effect on the abdominal and lower back area, making them great for cooling down after this kind of sequence.
Video stills from this sequence