Start in Supta Baddha Konasana, lying over two half folded blankets with a belt around the feet and pelvis.
Come up to Virasana Forward, laying the front of the torso over the folded blankets, adding extra blanket height as needed to get full support for the abdomen and chest. This helps to release the back and to quieten the adrenal glands.
Come up and take your mat to the wall to bend forward in Uttanasana, with the feet about a foot or more away from the wall and buttocks to the wall. The angled position facilitates release in the hamstrings as you bend forward.
Come up and turn your mat along the wall and step the feet out wide. Bend forward for Prasarita Padottanasana, back ribs and/or shoulder blades firmly against the wall. This is a soothing version of the pose which brings stability.
If you can’t bend forward that far, turn the other way and taking the hands to the floor or blocks, walk back to take the heels and back of the legs to the wall for Prasarita Padottanasana.
Come up and set up in Virasana with buttock support, and then extend the arms up in Parvatasana.
Extend the legs forward and set up in Baddha Konasana, placing the blanket support to the wall, Walk the buttocks back, right up against the wall, head and shoulders back into the wall.
Upavisatha Konasana, also with the buttocks, shoulders, and back of the skull to the wall.
Notice how it feels when the head is positioned properly over the shoulders.
Turn to face to the front and sit in Siddhasana, using extra blanket height as needed.
To finish, lie out for Setu Bandha, using a few lengthways blankets, or two bricks and a folded blanket, to lie back over, shoulders to the floor.
Bring the legs to simple cross legs, and then slide back bringing the buttocks to the floor and change the cross legs.
Complete the sequence by stretching the legs out, to the outsides of your blanket support, and stay in Savasana a few minutes.
Notice if the head feels quiet inside, and how this sort of sequence helps us become more inwardly observant and attentive.
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