In this foundation standing pose sequence for beginners, we will need few to no props: only a mat and a blanket. We will review all the main standing poses, like Utthita Trikonasana and Parsvakonasana, Virabhadrasana 1 and 2, Parsvottanasana, and Prasarita Padottanasana. But we will also add an introduction to the Twisted Triangle, a pose that will help increase blood circulation in the lower back and abdomen, release tension in the spine, and improve hip mobility.
During the class, we will be focussing on one of the key principles of yoga: that of finding our capacity and being honest with ourselves about where it lies. After all, yoga is all about finding a delicate balance between staying true to our limitations and keeping the integrity of the pose.
In this sequence, Pixie will talk you through some of the ways this balance can be achieved and you will have a chance to practice the actions necessary to drive the lessons home.
Video stills from this sequence