As you become more familiar with the poses, you may find that you start to understand and remember the instructions given about how to come into the pose. You will start to notice the distance needed in the Standing Poses, the turning of the legs, and when to use a bit of support. In this session you will also begin to consider balance, here in the standing pose called Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon Pose). See what work this requires of the legs, and what focus is required to hold yourself steady. We will also add Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana) on the breath at the beginning of the sequence, and a few different hip-opening poses at the end.
Start in Virasana forward, and then come into Dog Pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana). Come up into Dog Pose and back down to Virasana forward 5-6 times, synchronising the movements with the breath.
Step forward into Tadasana, feet together and be ready for the Standing Poses, done one time each today, (Trikonasana, Parsva Konasana, Virabhadrasana 1 and 2, and here adding Ardha Chandrasana, Half Moon Pose. Finish with Parsvottanasana (Hands in Namaskar, Prayer position) and Prasarita Padottanasana, releasing the head and neck, but keeping the legs firm and open at the back.
Sit in Virasana, and then take the arms up, fingers interlocked in Parvatasana. Notice how the side of the chest, the armpit chest, the seat of physical energy, lengthens. You rest the legs, but lift up through the spine.
Dandasana, to release the backs of the knees and thighs.
Now come to Gomukhasana (Cow Pose) preparation: Sit upright, crossing the knees one over the other to capacity, and then cross the opposite (to the cross legs) elbows over in Garudasana, to release the sides of the neck to the shoulders. Change the cross of the knees, putting the other leg on top. Extend the legs out into Dandasana (Rod or Staff Pose).
Lie back onto the floor, feet to the wall, back body, shoulders and head lying consciously on the floor and, taking a long folded towel, or a belt or sash, loop the. towel around the ball of the right foot and take the leg up to 90 degrees. Then extend the Right leg out to the side, keeping the two sides of the trunk even.
Virasana forward, to release the lower back and see how the trunk and legs feel. Do your buttocks come down a little more now? Are you perhaps conscious of the thighs descending more freely down towards the floor?
Come up and lie out in Savasana, Corpse Pose. Place yourself evenly on the floor, and completely let go in the arms, legs and back of the pelvis. Does your body feel even?
Savasana is a good quiet place to observe ourselves clearly.