Significant hip opening in Iyengar yoga can be achieved through the practice of twisting actions and arm balances. These advanced techniques not only target the hip joints but also integrate the whole body, promoting flexibility and strength. In this class, we will go through a wide variety of poses but will mostly focus on incorporating the above-mentioned actions in order to go deeper into the hips.
Twisting actions, such as in Parivrtta Trikonasana (Revolved Triangle Pose) and Bharadvajasana (Bharadvaja’s Twist), create a dynamic stretch across the hip flexors and outer hips. The rotational movement encourages the muscles surrounding the hips to release tension and lengthen. This deepens the hip opening by increasing mobility and improving circulation in the hip area.
Arm balances like Asta Vakrasana (Eight-Angle Pose) and Bhujapidasana (Shoulder-Pressing Pose) require a strong engagement of the core and upper body while simultaneously opening the hips. These poses demand significant strength and flexibility, encouraging the hips to open further to achieve the correct alignment. In Asta Vakrasana, the legs are intertwined and extended, necessitating a deep external rotation and flexion of the hips. Bhujapidasana involves squeezing the legs against the arms, promoting hip abduction and flexibility.
By integrating twisting actions and arm balances into a regular Iyengar yoga practice, practitioners can achieve deeper hip opening. These poses not only target the hips directly but also engage the entire body, promoting a holistic approach to flexibility and strength. Consistent practice leads to enhanced mobility, reduced tension, and a more profound sense of freedom in the hip joints.
Video stills from this sequence