This session works primarily on opening up the hips and groins which allows for increased mobility overall. Working into these areas creates space in the pelvis facilitating improved circulation and better functioning of our lower pelvic organs.
Set up in Supta Baddha Konasana, with the balls of the feet opened up against the wall and a bolster and blanket for support.
Come up to Virasana forward, placing the edge of the wrists onto your bolster. With elbows straight release the head down.
Stand and, placing a block high up into the inner thighs, release forward in Uttanasana. Feel how the block creates more lift on the inner knees and thighs and brings evenness to the two sides of the sacrum and hips.
Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Dogpose) stepping the heels onto two bricks placed against the wall, heels up the wall. This lengthens the hamstrings and lifts the hips higher.
Now slide the heels down the wall onto the blocks, heels to the wall. Feel how this draws the buttocks and thighs back and gives a sense of stability by anchoring the thighs back.
Go for Full Arm Balance preparation. Place the hands on the floor, shoulder width, and step the feet up the wall to form a 90-degree angle (if in your menstrual cycle, do half Uttanasana with the hands to the wall). This pose gives us important weight bearing through the arms whilst we work into the legs to keep the hips up.
Release to Uttanasana for a few breaths, and then set up for Headstand preparation, feet to the wall, heels a little up. Hold for 45-90 seconds and come down to Virasana forward.
Now do this same pose placing the feet onto perpendicular bricks against the wall. Feel how this gives a further lift to the hips which in turn creates more lift in the shoulders.
Come up and prepare for a few standing hip opening poses.
Vrksasana with one kneecap placed firmly into the wall to help get the even turn of the hips and trunk to face the front. Raise the arms up. Change sides.
Take a chair and set up for Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana 2.
Place the chair back against the wall with a blanket over the back rung of the chair. Stand on the Left foot, and place the Right heel onto the chair back. Loop a belt around the ball of the Right foot and turn the trunk and hips forward as in Vrksasana. Change sides.
Now set up for Trikonasana with the back foot to the wall. Feel how this opening is similar to the last two poses, though not exactly the same shape. Similar actions are required and the hips and lower pelvis are opened.
Ardha Chandrasana with the back foot to the wall, lower hand on a block or to the floor. Turn the trunk to face forward and raise the top arm up. Change sides.
Supta Padangusthasana 2, with similar actions but this time supine with the support of the floor. Take the right leg up using a belt around the ball of the foot. Keep the two sides of the trunk level as you take the leg to the side. Change.
We now come to some sitting poses, opening the groins and hips with an upright spine while seated.
Start in Baddha Konasana, first with the hands on the floor fingers facing back to give a good lift to the spine and opening to the chest which helps the knees to release further down and lengthen the inner thighs more. Then hold the outer foot and lift the chest to see if you can keep the same opening in the hips and groins without hand support.
Siddhasana, Perfect Pose. This is a well-balanced even pose which works into the hips, knees and ankles whilst keeping the spine long and the two sides even.
Upavistha Konasana, Wide Angle pose. Here the legs go wider and need to be anchored to the floor to help bring the groin and hips some opening.
Then turn to the Right side for Parsva Upavistha Konasana to open across the back ribs as you turn to the Right and then to the Left. Hold a belt or the outside of each foot as you turn towards it.
Come up and take a chair for a wide-leg chair twist.
Sit straddling the chair, facing backwards, legs wide with the feet under the knees and pointing in the same direction as the knees. Turn to the Right taking your back hand under the back of the chair seat to open the chest and shoulders more. Change.
To finish, take a bolster, two blankets, and two blocks for Setu Bandha Sarvangasana, supported Bridge Pose.
Lie back over the bolster and folded blanket, with the feet on bricks up against the wall, legs a little wider than the usual hip width. Lie back so the mid-dorsal spine is over the bolster, shoulders on the floor, with a blanket for the head.
Stay a good 5 minutes, quietening the face, the eyes and the breath while observing the passive opening of the chest and the diaphragm. This helps the breath to become more steady and free.
Then cross your ankles onto the bolster for a minute.
Now slide back, buttocks to the floor, and change the cross leg leaving the ankles to rest on the bolster.
Stay here for 3-5 minutes of Savasana.
Video stills from this sequence