We will start off this restorative and pranayama class with a short warm-up session for the knees and shoulders. First, we will go through a few cycles of Adho Mukha Svanasana to Virasana Forward and then we’ll do some shoulder-opening arm movements while standing in Tadasana.
A short asana practice will follow, during which we will focus on seated poses. After practising a few poses that will help open up the hips and pelvis, we will explore Siddhasana and see how being seated in this pose can bring about a different perspective into our meditation.
Most of this session will be dedicated to supine and semi-supine restorative positions, such as Supported Setu Bandha Sarvangasana, Viparita Karani, and Savasana. During this session, through Pixie’s guidance, you will have a chance to let go of the tension that has built up in your body and mind throughout the week and to explore the meaning of keeping still and just being present in the current moment.
Video stills from this sequence