Class description
Stiffness and restriction in the hips are very common and can be the source of many issues in the back and shoulders. Part 1 of a 3 part collection walks you through a class focused on alleviating stiffness and restriction in the hips and upper thighs.
The goal is to allow you to get into your practice while working directly with the hips that may need a little extra work to loosen up. We will work with some poses that will be modified and will also give you some support as well as getting into the hips and giving mobility and flexibility to your capacity.
Step by step guide to the sequence
Begin the session by setting up in Supta Baddha Konasana, using a belt around each top thigh and shin to hold them in and together. Come up and go into Virasana forward, using a blanket between the buttocks and heels as needed to bring the buttocks down onto a support.
Now stand and go forward in Uttanasana, using a brick between the upper thighs for extra hip support. This is followed by Adho Mukha Svanasana, with the feet taken wider, almost to the edges of the mat. Bend the knees and go into Virasana forward to release.
Now come up for a few “diagonal” standing poses. With your mat placed against the wall and back foot to the back edge of your mat against the wall, step forward for Trikonasana, with the front foot close to the opposite side of the mat. Change sides.
Using the same diagonal set-up, move into Virabhadrasana 2, and then into Ardha Chandrasana, back foot to the wall, a little behind the front leg.
To rest the legs, but still working on the hips, sit for Baddha Konasana on a support and with back and buttocks right up against the wall. Loop a belt around the sacrum and the ankles.
A few more passive hip-opening poses follow: Lie on your back with the legs up against the wall. Then after a few minutes move the legs into Baddha Konasana, and then into Upavistha Konasana.
Finish your session with Setu Bandha supported over “T”-shaped bolsters: one for the feet and one along the spine, shoulders, and head on the floor. The belt around the feet will help to keep the legs straight without effort.
Slide back off the bolster for Savasana, keeping the legs in cross leg resting onto the bolster.
Equipment required
- Mat
- Bolster
- Belt
- 2x Blanket
Illustrated sequence of video
Download and print the free illustrated sequence of this video.
Video stills from this sequence