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Gentle Introduction to Standing Poses in Iyengar Yoga

A 5-part collection of hour-long classes to gently introduce you to Iyengar yoga.

About the course

A 5-part collection of hour-long classes to gently introduce you to Iyengar yoga. We will mostly be dealing with standing poses, starting with the basics and adding on new poses with each subsequent class.

Standing poses form the foundation of our yoga practice and have many benefits. They help open up the hips, stretch the hamstrings, improve mobility in the whole lower body, increase stability, and promote stamina and good posture. Ideally, you’ll be able to feel these benefits by the end of this course.

The classes in this collection are no longer than one hour each, which makes them relatively easy to fit into one’s daily schedule. Moreover, you can feel free to repeat these classes or the whole course several times or until fully comfortable with the poses.

It can be paired with classes from “Iyengar Yoga in Under 10 Minutes.” Once comfortable with the standing poses, practitioners can move on to other asana groups. Good collections to follow up or substitute with are: