This is a shorter miscellaneous remedial-focused sequence of poses that you can do if you’re looking for some relief for sore knees from overuse, minor injury, or arthritis.
Beginning in Supta Swastikasana with supported thighs, we give the legs a chance to rest while opening up the chest and abdomen then we move into Virasana Forward using blocks under the palms.
We stand up and move into a supported Uttanasana with the buttocks to the wall and hands to the shins, then the floor. Continuing to use the wall for support, we move into Utkatasana using a block between the knees. This is a great lighter stabilising and strengthening pose for the knees.
Using support at around hip height, we move through a couple of variations of Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana before moving to the floor and performing the supine version — Supta Padangusthasana 1. We move to the wall and do Viparita Karani. Here, students have the option of moving their legs through 3 different variations: legs wide apart, legs crossed, and knees pulled up into the chest.
We finish in Savasana with the knees supported by a bolster.
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You are welcome to download the PDF of the sequence and print and distribute it freely. You may have to wait up to 30 seconds for the PDF to generate. Please credit the teacher who created it. All illustrations from Dona Holleman’s ‘Yoga Darśana’, RIMYI Institute texts and Yoga Vastu illustrators for original asana drawings.