Daily short sequence focusing on restorative poses
Pixie leads you through a sequence of restorative poses for when you’re short on time. A great routine you can return to regularly when you need to quieten your nervous system and restore your energy.
We start in Supta Baddha Konasana then Virasana Forwards with head supported. Come up to Adho Mukha Svanasana with hands to the wall and head supported.
We then move to Setu Bandha first with legs extended, then with legs in simple cross-leg. Then on to Viparita Karani with an optional variation using the belt to tie the legs and then into the cross-leg variation.
We finish in Savasana.
Video stills for this restorative Iyengar session

Equipment required
- Mat
- Bolster
- 2x Blanket
- Belt
Illustrated sequence of video
Download and print the free illustrated sequence of this video.
Video stills from this sequence