About this sequence
At this period of heightened stress, anxiety, and a feeling of being out of control, it’s really important to stay in touch with your body. This sequence is designed to do 3 things: engage your immune response, uplift your mood by improving circulation in your chest and lungs, and calm your nervous system.
Step by step guide to the sequence
Supported Supta Baddha Konasana with bricks under the thighs. Movement from Virasana Forwards to Adho Mukha Svanasana and back using the breath to focus our attention and find a steady rhythm. Uttanasana follows to quieten the breath. Move to Baddhanguliyasana arms then Paschima Namaskar moving into the upper back and shoulders and to lift physical energy.
Grounding and stabilising standing poses follow, starting with Parsvottanasana back foot to the wall. This brings essential bloodflow to the hips, legs, and upper back. We practice Prasarita Paddotanasana to provide neck release and a wide extension to the groins. Standing forward bends like these are quietening for the nerves.
Supine and reclining poses follow which calm the nervous system, bring some uplifting opening to the chest, and restore your mental balance. The breath is important and should come to a stable and conscious flow.
Start with cross-bolsters with the feet to the wall. Extend the arms to the sides. Remain here for 3-5 minutes. Bring the legs to simple cross-leg, adjusting on the bolster as needed to feel even.
Move to Setu Bandha, over a bolster with an extra blanket for upper back support. Setu Bandha continues to open the chest and to broaden the diaphragm area. Notice the particular effect on your inhalation here. As you move out of the pose, observe your breath and the space inside your chest now.
Set up for legs up the wall (Viparita Karani). Inversions are important as immunity-boosting postures as they help circulation from the legs and feet, smoothly filtering blood back to the heart. Move to cross-legs the slide back. Now observe if a greater stillness or quietness has started to appear.
Janu Sirsasana and Paschimottanasana with head support will help to soothe any remaining inner restlessness by quietening the adrenal glands.
We finish in Savasana.
Equipment required
- Mat
- Bolster
- 2x Blanket
Illustrated sequence of video
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Video stills from this sequence